Texas Alliance of Groundwater Districts
The Texas Alliance of Groundwater Districts (TAGD) works to promote and support sound management of groundwater based on local conditions and good science. TAGD provides educational and technical assistance to member districts and the public, serves as a resource on groundwater issues with state officials, assists members in keeping current with state law, and is a central point of contact for information on groundwater issues and practices.
TAGD also provides members with an efficient means of communicating and exchanging information on the day-to-day management of local groundwater resources. TAGD members form a network of valuable technical and operational experience and knowledge, facilitating information exchanges that work to save districts both time and money.
TAGD members represent 80 local groundwater conservation districts in Texas and 36 groundwater-related consulting firms, law firms, and other businesses. TAGD urges nonmember groundwater conservation districts and entities with an interest in groundwater to become members. Your memberships benefit groundwater conservation districts and the public by furthering the policies and goals of TAGD.